LocationFirst Floor, Royal Star Arcade, High Street, Maidstone, England ME14 1JL ServiceTattoo Select Artist:-Glen AndreozziKat BentleyMarley Wells Personal information Fields with * are required Name * : Email * : Phone : Where do you want your tattoo? * : -CalfChestFootForearmFull BackFull SleeveHalf SleeveLegLower BackRibsStomachUpper ArmUpper BackLower ArmHipWristAnkleOtherWhat is the size of the tattoo? * : What colour is the tattoo? * : -Full ColourBlack and GreyBlackwork or linework onlyAny other note : Booking overview Submit Cancel
Personal information
Name * :
Email * :
Phone :
Where do you want your tattoo? * : -CalfChestFootForearmFull BackFull SleeveHalf SleeveLegLower BackRibsStomachUpper ArmUpper BackLower ArmHipWristAnkleOther
What is the size of the tattoo? * :
What colour is the tattoo? * : -Full ColourBlack and GreyBlackwork or linework only
Any other note :
Booking overview